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President Candidate: Rachel Holland

In the lead up to Executive Elections, The Ripple talks to Presidential candidate Rachel Holland. Megan Cadwaladr (MC): Why are you running for President? Rachel Holland (RH): Over my four years at...

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President Candidate: Qamar Khan

In the lead up to Executive Elections, The Ripple talks to Presidential candidate Qamar Khan. Jess Buckley (JB): Why are you running to be President? Qamar Khan (QK): Well, last year I headed up a team...

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Elections: Timeline

Wednesday 4th February: After numerous information sessions provided for prospective candidates, nominations closed at noon. The official candidates were then announced later in the evening, with a...

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Picking a popular policy is paramount

By a country mile, this year’s most popular policy to campaign for is to increase support for International students, with 8 candidates campaigning for this in one way or another. There’s a bid for the...

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Percy G: The bear behind the union

Hello! Percy Gee here! I’ve been around for quite a while but apparently I’m a bit of a celebrity now, so the lovely people at The Ripple have asked me to write them an article telling you a bit more...

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Who have you voted for?

Voting for your new executive team has officially opened. When you vote, let us know who you have voted for. Results will be announced a day before voting ends, giving you an early insight into who...

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Poll results revealed: Our election predictions

Over a period of two days, we ran a poll asking you who you have voted for in the current Executive Elections. We can now reveal the results, a day before voting ends, to give you an insight into who...

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Election results 2015

It’s been a long two weeks of campaigning, and in the words of the outgoing Students’ Union President “It’s been a tiring and exciting few weeks for everyone so it’s an exciting night, and best of luck...

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Election results analysis

The elections are finally over, the results announced, and the breakdown of the results is now available. RON came last in all five elections, a result which most were expecting. However the big shock...

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A short guide to the Part-time Officer elections

This week has seen another round of elections in the Students’ Union, however this time it will be Part-time Officers that are being elected. Part-time Officers all have a specific focus on one group...

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Wellbeing Candidate: Harriett Smailes

In the run up to elections we spoke to electoral campaigner Harriet Smailes about running for the role of Wellbeing Officer.   Emma Smith (ES): What has inspired you to run for the role as a Wellbeing...

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Activities Officer Candidate: Dan Schofield

In the lead up to the SABB elections, we spoke to Daniel Schofield about his policies and his campaign. Amy Reeves (AR): Why are you running for activities officer?   Daniel Schofield (DS): I’ve been...

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Activities Officer Candidate: Brady Lloyd

The Ripple speaks to Brady Lloyd, running for Activities Officer in the student elections.   Matt Redman (MR): Why are you running for Activities Officer? Brady Lloyd (BL): This year I am currently the...

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Activities Officer Candidate: Cynthia Chang

Amy Reeves (AR): Why are you running for Activities Officer? Cynthia Chang (CC): Because I love activities and events in the Uni and so they can be improved and help the societies make it better. AR:...

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Activities Officer Candidate: Fiona Stewart

As the run up to the SABB elections begins, The Ripple talks to Fiona Stewart who is running for Activities Officer. Mollie Miller (MM): If your campaign was a movie title, what would it be? Fiona...

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Education Officer Candidate: Sedtin Wan

In the run up to the elections, The Ripple interviewed Sedtin Wan about her campaign to be Education Officer. AR: Why are you running for Education Officer? SW: I’ve been involved in the Student Union...

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Education Officer Candidate: Robert Greenhill

The Ripple spoke to Education Officer Candidate, Robert Greenhill in the lead up to elections. Amy Reeves (AR): Why are you running for Education Officer? Robert Greenhill (RG): Because I think I am...

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Education Officer Candidate: Lewis Eves

Nida Admani (NA): Why are you running for Education Officer? Lewis Eves (LE): I am currently an academic advisor, so I’m already helping out with student’s educational needs and addressing issues like...

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Education Officer Candidate: Alex Mitchell

Nida Admani (NA): Why are you running for Education Officer? Alex Mitchell (AM): Well, I think it’s the natural progression or step up from engagement. Last year, Lilly and I both found that the roles...

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UPDATED: SABB Election Results 2016

The 2016 Sabb elections are (almost) over, and the results for four out of the five positions are now in. Role Elected Votes RONs President Rachel Holland 1592 377 Activities Dan Schofield 1184 78...

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